Off-Campus Access to Online Databases using Daigler

Published on: 19-Apr 04:30pm

Rutchel Quinte

Published on - 19-Apr 04:30pm

Off-Campus Access to Online Databases using Daigler

Ateneo de Davao Library resources such as EBSCOhost, JSTOR, Ebrary, National
Geographic Virtual Library, Cambridge Books Online, Gale Virtual Reference Library
and Credo Reference can now be accessed off-campus using Daigler Virtual Learning System. The Library Online Resources can be accessed using the links found in your account’s MyHome page. For more information, visit

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AdDU+Barcode (I.D) Ex. AdDU8199706130719I

Note: For AdDUNET account inquiries, please visit Technical Service Office (TSO) at 6th floor
Finster Building or call local 8206

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